Friday, December 27, 2019
20 opciones para parar la deportación en EE.UU.
El gobierno de EE.UU. puede iniciar un proceso de deportacià ³n contra cualquier migrante ââ¬âincluidos los residentes permanentes legalesââ¬â si considera que ha cometido una violacià ³n migratoria o un delito que justifica su remocià ³n del paà s. El migrante ââ¬â y su abogado, si lo tieneââ¬â, puede seà ±alar el dà a en el que tiene lugar la audiencia previa conocida como Master Calendar quà © defensa legal va a argumentar para intentar parar la deportacià ³n. Las opciones son diversas y cada una tiene sus requisitos especà ficos, por lo que es conveniente elegir la que tiene mà ¡s posibilidades de ser exitosa y lograr el objetivo de que la deportacià ³n no se llegue a producir. 20 opciones para parar la deportacià ³n en EE.UU. Ciudadanà a estadounidense Esta opcià ³n puede parecer extraà ±a, pero se han dado casos en los que Inmigracià ³n ha tratado a un ciudadano como si fuera un extranjero procediendo a su arresto. Si esa es la situacià ³n, debe probarse el error mediante un documento que acredite la nacionalidad estadounidense. Ademà ¡s, en el caso en el que un migrante dude y crea que podrà a ser ciudadano, debe comunicarlo al juez y a su abogado. Por ejemplo, en los casos en los que ha nacido en otro paà s pero su padre o su madre son ciudadanos e, incluso, si se tiene un abuelo estadounidense. Error administrativo en la notificacià ³n Se puede alegar un defecto de forma en la notificacià ³n del inicio del proceso de deportacià ³n cuando la carta conocida en inglà ©s como Notice to Appear contiene errores. Por ejemplo, nombre o apellidos del migrante no son correctos o la carta la recibià ³ solo el abogado. Tambià ©n hay un defecto de forma cuando la carta se envià ³ a una direccià ³n equivocada aà ºn cuando el migrante notificà ³ correctamente a las autoridades migratorias el cambio de domicilio. El gobierno asigna al migrante delitos que no ha cometido Los procesos de deportacià ³n los inicia el gobierno alegando que un migrante ha cometido un delito o violacià ³n migratoria que lo convierte en inadmisible o deportable. Debe disputare el cargo si el gobierno està ¡ equivocado y no se ha cometido el cargo que se le imputa. Ajuste de estatus El ajuste de estatus es un trà ¡mite que permite a extranjero presente en EE.UU. obtener la condicià ³n de residente permanente legal. Durante un proceso de deportacià ³n, un migrante puede solicitar al juez que ajuste su estatus, siempre que cumpla una serie de requisitos. El caso mà ¡s comà ºn de ajuste de estatus durante un proceso de deportacià ³n tiene lugar cuando el migrante es: esposo/a de ciudadanohijo/a soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de ciudadanopadre o madre de ciudadano, el cual tiene 21 aà ±os de edad o mà ¡s Ademà ¡s, en esos casos se requiere entrada legal a EE.UU. por parte del migrante, aunque en el momento del proceso de deportacià ³n puede tener la condicià ³n de indocumentado porque ha permanecido en el paà s mà ¡s tiempo del plazo autorizado. En estos casos, el ciudadano debe pedir a su familiar mediante el formulario I-130 y el migrante debe pedir el ajuste de estatus al juez mediante la planilla I-485, Cabe destacar que ciertos delitos hacen imposible que el juez apruebe este ajuste de estatus. Por ejemplo, cuando el migrante ha sido condenado por: delito de drogasdos felonà as por las que el migrante recibià ³ condena de 5 aà ±os o mà ¡sdelito inmoral (turpitude, en inglà ©s). Excepto cuando se recibià ³ condena de seis meses o menos y el mà ¡ximo que se pudo haber recibido era de un aà ±o o menos. Salvo excepciones muy concretas, no se concede el ajuste de estatus a personas contra las que con anterioridad se dictà ³ una orden de deportacià ³n. Perdà ³n 245(i) Otro caso en el que serà a posible parar la deportacià ³n mediante un ajuste de estatus es el del perdà ³n 245(i). Aplica a migrantes con peticiones de familia o trabajo antiguas aprobadas presentadas antes del 30 de abril de 2001 pero que no finalizaron los trà ¡mites podrà an estar protegidos por la norma 245(i). Si se cree que se tiene derecho a este beneficio, consultar con un abogado porque se podrà a parar la deportacià ³n mediante un ajuste de estatus. Perdà ³n 212(h) El perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver por su nombre en inglà ©s, puede ser solicitado varios casos: Por ejemplo, por migrantes en proceso de deportacià ³n que cumplen los requisitos para aplicar por un ajuste de estatus, como se indicà ³ en la seccià ³n anterior, pero que no pueden hacerlo porque les descalifica una condena de delito inmoral. Otro ejemplo de cuando el perdà ³n 212(h) puede ser solicitado es el caso de un residente permanente legal en riesgo de perder perder su estatus por haber cometido un delito. El residente no puede solicitar este perdà ³n si: ha sido condenado por un delito agravado desde que fue admitido como inmigrante a EE.UU.el residente lleva menos de siete aà ±os de residencia continua al inicio del proceso de deportacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, en los casos de solicitud del perdà ³n 212(h) se debe probar que la deportacià ³n del migrante causarà a una situacià ³n de dureza extrema a un familiar, el cual es ciudadano o residente. Una excepcià ³n a este requerimiento son los migrantes que se pueden auto-pedir por VAWA. Para la dureza extrema se tienen en cuenta factores como edad del migrante, la edad que tenà a cuando ingresà ³ a EE.UU., và nculos familiares en EE.UU. y en otros paà ses, asimilacià ³n en EE.UU. y participacià ³n comunitaria, situacià ³n econà ³mica de la familia, etc. Este perdà ³n es muy difà cil de obtener. Perdà ³n 212 (c) Este perdà ³n aplica a los residentes permanentes en un proceso de deportacià ³n y que calificarà an para la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n excepto por un requisito: cometieron un delito que los descalifica. Si el migrante se declarà ³ culpable de la felonà a antes del 1 de abril de 1997 podrà a reunir los requisitos para este perdà ³n. Sin embargo, tambià ©n hay situaciones que descalifican por lo que estos casos deben ser estudiados con detenimiento por un abogado. Parole in Place (PIP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) El Parole in Place es una proteccià ³n para migrantes que son cà ³nyuges, viudos, padres o hijos de ciudadanos o residentes que son militares. Para aplicar a este beneficio se requisito que: el migrante hubiera ingresado ilegalmente a EE.UU.que el ciudadano o residente sea militar en activo, en la reserva o veterano licenciado con honor. Ademà ¡s de proteger frente a la deportacià ³n, el Parole in Place podrà a ser, en algunos casos, un camino para la obtencià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia permanente. Deferred Action para familiares de militares Los migrantes que son cà ³nyuges, viudos, hijos o hijas de militares en activo, miembros de la reserva o veteranos licenciados con honor y que no califican para el Parole in Place podrà an beneficiarse de Deferred Action. Es una medida temporal por dos aà ±os y que permite obtener un permiso de trabajo mientras la Deferred Action està ¡ vigente. Cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n (Cancellation of removal, en inglà ©s) El alivio que se conoce cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n como puede ser solicitado por: residentes permanentesmigrantes indocumentadosesposos/as e hijos de ciudadanos o residentes permanentes que son abusadores, en aplicacià ³n de VAWA. Los requisitos para la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n son diferentes para cada una de esas tres situaciones. Asilo El asilo se puede conceder a las personas que acrediten que no pueden regresar a su paà s porque allà han sido perseguidas o teman por motivos fundados que puedan serlo si son deportados por razà ³n de su opinià ³n polà tica, raza, religià ³n, nacionalidad o pertenecer a un determinado grupo social. Entre los requisitos mà nimos para que el asilo se conceda se encuentran el haberlo solicitado, con carà ¡cter general, en el plazo de un aà ±o a contar desde la fecha de entrada en EEUU, no haber sido condenado por determinadas felonà as y no ser un riesgo para la seguridad nacional. Si se aprueba el asilo, el migrante podrà ¡ quedarse en EE.UU., trabajar legalmente, pedir los papeles para sus familiares inmediatos y, dentro de los plazos legales, solicitar la tarjeta de residencia. Ademà ¡s, el migrante con asilo puede recibir beneficios del gobierno como, por ejemplo, voucher Seccià ³n 8 de ayuda para alquilar, cupones de alimentos, Medicaid y otros. Cuando no se cumplen los requisitos para el asilo porque ya ha pasado mà ¡s de un aà ±o desde el ingreso o se han cometido ciertos delitos que impiden que se obtenga este alivio, podrà a calificarse para la suspensià ³n de la remocià ³n. Suspensià ³n de la remocià ³n (withholding of removal, en inglà ©s) Cuando no se cumplen los requisitos para el asilo porque ya ha pasado mà ¡s de un aà ±o desde el ingreso o se han cometido ciertos delitos que impiden que se obtenga este alivio, podrà a calificarse para la suspensià ³n de la remocià ³n. Para que el juez conceda la suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n, el migrante debe demostrar durante el proceso de deportacià ³n que, si regresa a su paà s, hay mà ¡s probabilidad de que no de que va a ser perseguido por razones de raza, nacionalidad, opinià ³n polà tica, religià ³n o pertenencia a un grupo social. El migrante que obtiene la suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n puede permanecer en EE.UU. y obtener un permiso de trabajo. Sin embargo, no es un camino directo hacia la tarjeta de residencia permanente. CAT, en casos de riesgo de tortura Bajo la proteccià ³n de la Convencià ³n de Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura y otras formas de Tratamiento o Castigo Cruel, Inhumano o Degradante, un juez de Inmigracià ³n puede determinar que un migrante tiene derecho a permanecer en EE.UU. si, en el caso de ser deportado, hay una probabilidad superior al 50 por ciento de ser torturado. La tortura podrà a ser cometida directamente por el gobierno o por un grupo que el gobierno no puede controlar. Es habitual solicitar al mismo tiempo asilo, suspensià ³n de la remocià ³n y CAT en los casos en los que el migrante teme por su seguridad en el caso de ser deportado. Salida aplazada o Deferred Enforced Departure, por su nombre en inglà ©s El Presidente de Estados Unidos puede determinar que los ciudadanos de determinados paà ses se beneficien de un aplazamiento temporal en la ejecucià ³n de la deportacià ³n. En estos momentos, solamente los ciudadanos de Liberia que eran titulares de un TPS antes de la terminacià ³n de ese beneficio para ese paà s està ¡n amparados por esta medida. Visa U para và ctimas de violencia Pueden beneficiarse de la visa U los migrantes que han sufrido cierto tipo de violencia, incluida la de tipo domà ©stico, y cumplen con otros requisitos. En estos momentos los retrasos en la tramitacià ³n de esta visa es, aproximadamente, de cuatro aà ±os. Sin embargo, la presentacià ³n de un caso fuerte de visa U puede parar una remocià ³n de EE.UU. durante el proceso de deportacià ³n. Visa T para và ctimas de trà ¡fico de personas Las và ctimas de situaciones severas de trà ¡fico humano podrà an parar su deportacià ³n con un caso fuerte de calificacià ³n para recibir la visa T. Perdà ³n para refugiados Los refugiados que nunca han aplicado por ajuste de estatus y tienen un rà ©cord criminal pueden solicitar un perdà ³n llenando los formularios I-602 para el waiver y el I-485, para el ajuste. Deben probarse porquà © el refugiado amerita esta proteccià ³n por razones humanitarias. Puede no ser concedido en los casos en los que se considere que el migrante es un peligro para la seguridad nacional o en los casos de trà ¡fico de drogas. Aplazamiento de la deportacià ³n (Stay of removal, en inglà ©s) El aplazamiento de la deportacià ³n (conocido como stay of removal en inglà ©s) es una suspensià ³n temporal de la ejecucià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n. Es automà ¡ticamente concedida en los casos de apelacià ³n, pero discrecional en otros supuestos. Salida voluntaria La salida voluntaria es una modalidad de alivio discrecional. En estos casos, el migrante sà que debe abandonar EE.UU., pero lo harà a en una situacià ³n mà ¡s favorable que una deportacià ³n. TPS y DACA Los migrantes cubiertos por DACA o por TPS no pueden ser deportados por presencia ilegal en EE.UU. mientras sus permisos està ©n vigentes. Sin embargo, cada vez mà ¡s abogados està ¡n hablando de casos en los que sus clientes con DACA aprobado està ¡n recibiendo citaciones para presentarse en corte migratoria. Estos dos programas està ¡n pendientes de resoluciones judiciales que afectarà ¡n a su futuro y que se estima que se producirà ¡n a mediados de 2020 para TPS y en algà ºn momento entre enero y junio de 2020 para DACA. Tips sobre asesorà a legal A diferencia de lo que ocurre en los procesos penales, en los migratorios el gobierno no està ¡ obligado a pagar por representacià ³n legal para las personas con bajos recursos econà ³micos. La consecuencia de ello es que mà ¡s en numerosas ocasiones los migrantes no tienen la asesorà a de un abogado o de un representante acreditado. Sin embargo, las estadà sticas demuestran que los migrantes con asesorà a legal multiplican por cinco las posibilidades de obtener un beneficio migratorio, como los mencionados anteriormente en este artà culo, en comparacià ³n con los migrantes que comparecen sin asistencia de un letrado. Si no se puede pagar un abogado, se podrà a buscar asistencia pro bono, es decir, sin pagar, o a bajo costo a travà ©s de organizaciones reputadas con experiencia en brindar asesorà a legal a migrantes. à ¿Quà © sucede despuà ©s de recibir una orden de deportacià ³n? Despuà ©s de recibir una orden de deportacià ³n, el migrante puede apelarla. Una vez que se acaban todas las posibilidades, puede salir del paà s por sà mismo o esperar a ser deportado. Una vez fuera de EE.UU. migrante deportado debe cumplir un castigo y durante un nà ºmero de aà ±os no podrà ¡ regresar legalmente a EE.UU. El tiempo del castigo depende de la causa y circunstancias de la deportacià ³n. Mientras se està ¡ cumpliendo el castigo, en algunos casos es posible pedir el perdà ³n I-212, si se cumplen todos los requisitos. Si se solicita y se obtiene su aprobacià ³n, el migrante podrà a regresar a EE.UU. antes de cumplir el tiempo de castigo. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en muchos casos el migrante deberà a pedir al mismo tiempo otro perdà ³n y solamente si obtiene la aprobacià ³n de ambos perdones podrà a regresarse antes del cumplimiento de los periodos de castigo. Por otro lado, una vez que el migrante ha cumplido el tiempo de castigo impuesto por su deportacià ³n, podrà ¡ regresar a EE.UU. sin pedir perdà ³n. Sin embargo, todavà a deberà ¡ cumplir con los requisitos de la visa que desea solicitar y deberà ¡ asegurarse de que no tiene otros castigos pendientes, como una prohibicià ³n permanente. Parar la deportacià ³n: 20 opciones y a quià ©nes podrà a aplicar Ajuste de estatus: familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que ingresaron legalmente. Migrantes con peticiones antiguas.Cancelacià ³n: residentes permanentes, indocumentados y cà ³nyuges e hijos de ciudadanos o residentes abusadores.Parole in place y Deferred Action: familiares de militares, reservistas y veteranosAsilo y Suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n: migrantes que teman ser perseguidos por raza, religià ³n, nacionalidad, opinià ³n polà tica o pertenencia a grupo.CAT: miedo a ser torturadoPerdà ³n 212 (h): delitos inmoralesPerdà ³n 212 (c): admisià ³n de delitos antes de 1997Visa U: và ctimas violenciaVisa T: và ctimas trà ¡fico de personasI-602: perdà ³n para refugiadosDACA: muchachos que llegaron a EE.UU siendo nià ±osTPS: para centroamericanos con ese estatusDeferred Enforced Departure: para ciudadanos de LiberiaSalida Voluntaria: dejar EE.UU. sin estigma de deportacià ³nStay: suspensià ³n temporal de la ejecucià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Nuclear Theory Of The Atomic Theory - 1363 Words
The Atomic Theory The atomic theory is a fundamental scientific theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms, which came from the Greek word atomon, meaning ââ¬Ëuncuttableââ¬â¢. This theory was based on the concept that any given item in the universe could be broken down using pico- and femtometer atomic/subatomic/alpha particles. If this idea had never been composed, science would have suffered as a result and many scientists would not have been known for their raison dââ¬â¢etreââ¬â¢s. Traveling back to the time era of Aristotle and Democritus, around 400 BCE, we start at the beginning stages of the atomic theory of. While Democritus disagreed, Aristotle believed that matter could be divided infinitely without changing itââ¬â¢s properties. Democritus strongly believed that an atom was the smallest particle you could reach, and once you reach that part it was no longer divisible. He called this particle an atom, or iginating from the Greek word atomos (no longer divisible). A man that most are unaware of is Leucippus. This man is a philosopher who, credited by Aristotle and Theophrastus, has supposedly originated the theory of atomism. By being a philosopher, he had the experience of having Democritus as his most famous pupil. With this in history, it has been hard to distinguish his contributions to science from that of Democritusââ¬â¢. However, with the two men (Aristotle and Democritus) disagreeing, it was extremely hard to tell whoShow MoreRelatedThe Nuclear Theory Of The Atomic Theory Essay2134 Words à |à 9 Pages The Atomic Theoryââ¬â¢s Scientist are Mostly German Thomas Britton Kate Caufield New Albany Mr. Mumawââ¬â¢s 6th Period Chemistry Abstract The atomic theory has been worked on since around 400 BC. It is a theory that helps us to understand what everything in the universe is made of and what those particles are made of. It also helps us to describe the relationship between the sub-particles and how they may contribute to different aspects of the atom, like it s mass or charge. These atomsRead MoreDemocritus of Abdera and the Discovery of the Atom700 Words à |à 3 Pagesscientists from the U.S detonate the first nuclear weapon, which unintentionally, later ushers in a cold war. After the cold war, the development of nuclear power leads to serious complications as several units fail, making people question its use in modern day society. Democritus of Abdera was a greek philosopher born around 460 BC, a cheerful and blissful man. He was one of the two founding fathers of the Atomic Theory. His thought process on the theory, was that matter was comprised of tiny buildingRead MoreThe Physics Of The Atomic Theory1404 Words à |à 6 Pagesthere was a conspiracy towards the atoms due to nobody actually seeing them. What part of the Atomic Theory did they investigate? Ernest Rutherford was responsible for a many different discoveries such as radioactivity and nuclear physics. He discovered alpha and beta rays, found the laws of radioactive decay, and identified alpha particles as helium nuclei. Most important, he postulated the nuclear structure of the atom this structure was known as Rutherford model. Rutherford overturned ThomsonRead MoreNuclear Proliferation : The United States1628 Words à |à 7 PagesAmin Anjedani International Relations Professor Manson 14 May 2015 Nuclear Proliferation The proliferation, or rapid increase in numbers, of nuclear weapons among states, has become an incredibly trying and pressing issue in our world today. Tensions between states that have nuclear capabilities are reaching all time highs and fingers are being pointed in every direction. However, the entire issue regarding nuclear proliferation begins with the United States. In 1945, World War II came to anRead MoreThe Science Of The Chemistry1035 Words à |à 5 Pagesand important people including explanations of key discoveries, ideas and their contribution to the accepted theories of today. By 1830 there were more than 50 elements known. In 1934 the element uranium, with atomic number of 92 was found. Democritus known as to how atoms were created. His ideas influenced on modern science and he is remembered for his formulation of the atomic theory of the universe. He found Aristotle to be the biggest contributor to discoveries in natural science. Democritusââ¬â¢Read MoreAtomic Bomb Dbq949 Words à |à 4 Pagesweapon, known as ââ¬Å"the atomic bomb,â⬠was used on the two Japanese cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in a death toll unprecedented by any military weapon used before and an immediate, unconditional surrender. 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Steady State Theory #8211; based on the perfect cosmological principle that the universe looks the same from any location at anytime. This theory holds that the universe is unchanging, it has no beginning and no end. 2. Big Bang Theory #8211; presupposes that the vast universe grew out of something where all matter and energy were compressed to infinite density and heated to trillions of degrees (a beginning which was an immensely small particle of high-densityRead More The Discovery and Development of Nuclear Technology Essay1337 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Discovery and Development of Nuclear Technology Man has always been interested in how the world around him works. He wondered about the structure of matter,of which his world, as well as our world, is made up. Countless scientists have been pondering that same question ever since the beginning of time. In this paper you will read about just a few of the men and women that broke the ground for the nuclear technology of today. One of the first people to do this was a GreekRead MoreBiography Of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, An Artist And Julius Oppenheimer1114 Words à |à 5 PagesUniversity in England to study physics thus beginning his atomic research in the Cavendish Laboratory under J.J. Thomson. Then at the age of 22 he was invited to team up with Max Born at Gottingen University in Germany. There he developed the Born-Oppenheimer Method. This method was an important addition to the Quantum Molecular Theory. Quantum theory is the origin of modern physics that explains the behavior and nature of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic plane. He left Gottingen in 1927 with
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
International Corporation
Question: Explain the Role of Expatriates in International Corporation. Answer: Concept of Expatriates Multinational Corporations have now faced with a critical role of assigning human resources for the competitiveness of the global business. Developing global leaders for International Corporation is very useful for successfully handling the global business out of domestic markets. According to Min, Magnini and Singal (2013), International Corporation faces many challenges in operating multinational business in host countries due to different cultural barriers and different business practices ran by different countries in the host countries. On the other hand, Wiese (2013) opined that due of geographically dispersed location, the subsidiary organizations of the International corporations may not operate according to the standard set by the head quarter of the organization. These can lead to lack of interdependence among the subsidiaries of International Corporations. On the other hand, communication gap between the head quarter and subsidiary organization may lead to risk due to not p roviding timely information between the two groups. In such a situation, Expatriates is the right choice for the International Corporations who are assigned the role of leadership in the subsidiary companies of foreign countries. According to the previous researcher, the expatriates of International Corporation of Jordan are responsible for coordinating and managing different cultures other countries and transferring required information between the associated organizations. Role of Expatriates in International Corporation According to Muenjohn (2015), the role of expatriates is associated with holding the top managerial role and key position in the functional departments of the subsidiaries in foreign country. On the other hand, Altman and Baruch (2012) opined that expatriates are high skilled workers of the organization with unique skills who are sent by the International corporations in foreign countries to work under other unit of same organization. According to Brewster et al. (2014), International Corporations of Jordan send the expatriates to foreign countries for adjusting different culture and managing the interdependencies among the branches of the organizations. According to Vaiman, Haslberger and Vance (2015), expatriates of International Corporations of Jordan are always concerned about providing timely information between the head quarter and subsidiaries of the organization. Therefore, consistency of information between the subsidiary branches of the organization is maintained properly b y reducing risk of the International Corporation. On the other hand, Wiese (2013) opined that the role of expatriates are also be reflected in sharing the international experience of managerial role that can enhance the effectiveness of managerial role of home country organizations through applying the international experience properly. The previous researcher has argued that the primary role of expatriates is sharing knowledge in between the home country and host country organization for minimizing complexities associated with business project. Issues in managing Expatriates Resource Based Theory of International Corporations suggests that expatriates are concerned regarding the displaying the economic interest of the organization in its home country and its host country. However, the International Corporation faces several challenges in managing expatriates in the host countries who are engaged in the subsidiary branches. It has been fund that the management of Event consultants in Jordan faces difficulties in managing expatriates due the adjustment issues of the family of the expatriates in the foreign country (Harzing et al. 2015). Many times, it can be found that expatriates lack appropriate training in managing new project in foreign subsidiaries. Monetary interest of expatriates also prevents the expatriates in properly communicating the information between the head quarter and subsidiary of the International organization. According to Min, Magnini and Singal (2013), the expatriates of United Chemicals Mkt Est Co Ltd in Jordan faces lot of issues r egarding the advance technology in developed countries. It can also be found that management of the International Corporation sometimes fails to delivering timely information to the expatriates for managing the foreign subsidiaries. Contextual Model of Expatriate management Contextual Model of Expatriate management suggests a proper management of expatriates so that coordination between the head quarter and foreign subsidiaries of International Corporation is maintained properly. According to Muenjohn (2015), the International Corporations should clearly set the strategies and goals of the organizations and communicate it with the expatriates so that they can further communicate with foreign agents. This goals and strategies are set with respect to the maturity level of subsidiary organization in host country and culture of the organization established in host country and home countries. On the other hand, Altman and Baruch (2012) opined that the organization should clearly clarify the expectation of organizations from them so that their job role is transparent to them. The effectiveness of the engaging expatriates would reflect when the organization would continuously evaluate the performance of the expatriates. Performance management should be the par t of daily management of the International Corporation. In order to keep the expatriates engaged in their job role and maintaining their transparency in the organization, the organization should give training to the expatriates and give performance related pay (Vaiman, Haslberger and Vance 2015). Figure 1: Contextual Model of Expatriate management Reference List Altman, Y. and Baruch, Y., 2012. Global self-initiated corporate expatriate careers: a new era in international assignments?.Personnel Review,41(2), pp.233-255. Brewster, C., Bonache, J., Cerdin, J.L. and Suutari, V., 2014. Exploring expatriate outcomes.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(14), pp.1921-1937. Chaawla, D. and Sondhi, N., 2012. Research methodology concepts and cases.International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences,2(6), pp.403-405. Fenwick, M.S., De Cieri, H.L. and Welch, D.E., 2013. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tess Fatalism Essay Example For Students
Tess Fatalism Essay Tess FatalismIf written today, Tess of the durbervilles by Thomas Hardy may have been called Just Call Me Job or Tess: Victim of Fate. Throughout this often bleak novel, the reader is forced by Tesss circumstance to sympathize with the heroine (for lack of a better term) as life deals her blow after horrifying blow. One of the reasons that the reader is able to do so may be the fatalistic approach Hardy has taken with the life of the main character. Hardy writes Tess as a victim of Fate. This allows the reader to not blame her for the things that happen around her. Much of the critical debate surrounding Tess centers around this very point: Is Tess a victim? Are the things that happen to Tess beyond her control or could she have fought her way out of her circumstances? Better yet, could Hardy have written her out of her troubles or did his fatalistic approach to the novel force him to ultimately sacrifice poor Tess? Further, Is Hardys approach to the novel and its main character tru ly fatalistic? In this essay, I will explore these questions and the doctrine of Fatalism as it applies to Tess. Fatalism is defined in Websters Dictionary as the doctrine that all things take place by inevitable necessity (175). Fatalism is the idea that all actions are controlled by Fate, a primitive force that exists independent of human wills and outside of the controls of power of a supreme being such as God because God ultimately has no power; he is a creation of man who granted Him His power. Since He doesnt truly possess those powers, he is left without the ability to alter circumstances. In short, if one subscribes to this doctrine, you believe that Fate controls how things happen and God can do nothing to save you, even Tess. Overall, Tess seems to go through life experiencing one negative event after another. Fateful incidents, overheard conversations and undelivered letters work against her ability to control the path her life takes. Tesss future seems locked up from the beginning of the novel. As the story opens, we first meet her father and learn of Tesss ancestry: Durbeyfieldare the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the dUrbervillesthat renowned knight who came from Normandyif knighthood were hereditary, like a baronetcyJohn would be Sir John (4). Somehow the reader knows almost immediately that this knowledge isnt necessarily going to save the poor clan, especially once we learn of the Fate of Tesss ancestors: Where do we dUrbervilles live? asks Sir John to the parson who responds, You dont live anywhere. You are extinct (5). If one believes in the concept of natural selection, they probably realize rather quickly that this isnt the best family from which to descend. Tess seems to sense her doomed state. This is evidenced in her identification with the dUrberville clan. Examples of this are her ability to see or hear the dUrberville Coach and her realization of her resemblance to the dUrberville woman of the farmhouse at Wellbridge: Tesss fine features were unquestionably traceable in these exaggerated forms (277). These eerie events suggest that the fated dUrberville blood undoubtedly flows through her veins. Another example of Tesss awareness of being ill fated is when she meets Alec. Tess laments about her fate: Had she perceived this meetings import she might have asked why she was doomed to be seen and converted that day by the wrong man, and not by some other man, the right and desired one in all respects (75). She may not have known what to call it, but she definitely applies the doctrine of Fatalism to herself which according to author Leonard Doob is a telltale sign of a person who feels fated: When the principal is judging himself in this case, herself and believes that fate is affecting him, his perception is usually direct: he introspects, thinks, or meditates. But he may respond indirectly when someone else, an observer,, gives him information about himselfFatalism by a principal, th erefore, is a pessimistic inevitability doctrine applied by him about himself to himself (7). If Tess didnt start life feeling as though Fate was working against her, there are plenty of incidents which could easily convince her: the death of the family horse because of her negligence, the letter of confession that slipped beneath the carpet and caused her to enter into marriage as a deception, the death of her father, and the return of Angel just too late. Incident after incident seem to point to only one thing: Tess was not meant to have a happy existence. So does Tess believe that God can save her? Throughout the novel, we see Tess moving away from God. She is appalled by the evangelical sign-painter warning of damnation and tells him that his teachings are horriblecursingkilling refusing to believe that God said such things (97). Later, realizing that God cant help her, Tess prays to Angel confessing her new religion in a letter: It has been so much my religion ever since we wer e married to be faithful to you in every thought and look (127). Even Angel seems aware that God wont save Tess, thinking as he left, But, might some say, where was Tesss guardian angel? Where was the providence of her simple faith? Perhaps, like that other god of whom the ironical Tishbite spoke, he was talking, or he was pursuing, or he was in a journey, or he was sleeping and not to be awaked (..93). Other characters seem to buy into the idea of Fate as well. At the dairy, Angel chooses Tess over the other dairymaids who love Angel as much as she does, but the dairymaids cant be mad at Tess because it is Fate which has made the choice: Are you sure you dont dislike me for it? said Tess in a low voiceI dont knowI dont know, murmured Retty Priddle. I want to hate ee; but I cannot! Thats how I feel, echoed Izz and Marian (12). Now we turn to the question of whether or not Hardy could have saved Tess or if he believed that Fate had determined his choices. There were chances throughou t the novel for Hardy to give Tess a break and throw her a bone. He chose not to do so. Critic Arnold Kettle see this decision as a necessity: Tesss death is artistically as inevitable as JulietsShe is up against a social situation that she can do nothing to resolve except tragically, with drastic human loss (23). It seems that if Hardy was to have been true to his art, he had no choice but to kill poor Tess. It would be an error in criticism, however, to claim without a doubt that Fate is the key player in Tesss demise. In fact, It is actually rather easy to argue the other side of the coin. Hardys fatalism is extremely flawed. When in a pinch, he often relies on coincidence to further beat Tess down: Alec showing up to save Tess after the party; his reappearance as preacher; the letter slipping under the carpet; Angel slugging a man that turns up later as Tesss boss. One could argue that this is all a bit too convenient. Critic Dorothy Van Ghent seems to agree saying, We have all read or heard criticism of Hardy for his excessive reliance upon coincidence in the management of his narrativeshe appears to be too much the puppeteer working wires or strings to make events conform to his pessimistic and fatalistic ideas (56). Hardy ultimately plays God in a novel where God is missing and throws negative circumstances in places where they may not have been without his manipulation. But you still have to admit, on the whole, our poor Tess still seems quite fated. So is Tess and ultimately Hardy responsible for the things that happen to our heroine or is there something larger working against her? Critic Leon Waldoff writes that It seems impossible to read the novel with a complete disregard of the idea that Tess is somehow responsible for her fateThe narration is everywhere buttressed by words such as doomed, destined, and fated. But the critical linking is never made and one remains uncertain about why Tesss fate is inevitable (135). That moment of doubt and the u nresolved question is where the argument of Fatalism in Tess gains its momentum. One point that I feel must be made. Some argue, including my fellow classmates, that it was destiny that bring Alec and Tess together. I would argue that it is not destiny but Fate. Often used as a synonym for destiny, Fate differs slightly but significantly from the idea of destiny. Author Leonard Doob explains in his book, Inevitability, the difference between the concepts: fate is associated with doom, which usually has the same negative connotationthere can be no hesitation that the principal with a fatal disease will gave a negative experienceDestiny, on the other hand, frequentlyagain by no means alwayssuggests good fortune and is herewith assigned an association with positive effect (7). I think we can all agree that Tess suffers from a deficiency of good fortune so it must be Fate, not destiny, that continues to deal her a losing hand. There will most likely never be agreement on Tesss and Hardy s ability to change the outcome of the novel. Not ever really burying his flaws very deeply, Hardy seems to challenge the notion that the flaws were necessary and lend themselves to the books readability. Critic Dorothy Van Ghent supports this idea writing that Hardy has, with great cunning, reinforced the necessity of the folk fatalism, and folk magicTheir philosophy and their skills in livingare indestructible, their attitudes toward events authoritatively urge a similar fatalism upon the reader, impelling him to an imaginative acceptance of the doomrwrought series of accidents in the foreground of action (57). It appears that Hardy intentionally left doubt as to Tesss playing into Fate or if she is playing against it. But that is why the novel still grabs the reader like a good soap opera. Hardy, through his Fatalistic approach, invokes sympathy and concern for poor Tess that keeps the reader turning each page in breathless anticipation for whats next. Debate as we will, it can n ot be denied that Hardy wrote a truly gripping novel. Bibliography Doob, Leonard. Inevitability: Determinism, Fatalism, and Destiny. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the dUrbervilles. New York: MacMillan, 1991. Kettle, Arnold. Introduction to Tess of the dUrbervilles. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Tess of the dUrbervilles. Ed. Albert LaValley, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969. 14-29. Van Ghent, Dorothy. On Tess of the dUrbervilles. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Tess of the dUrbervilles. Ed. Albert LaValley, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969. 48-61. Waldoff, Leon. Psychological Determinism in Tess of the dUrbervilles. Critical Approaches to the Fiction of Thomas Hardy. Ed. Dale Kramer, London: MacMillan Press, 1979. 135-154. .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .postImageUrl , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:hover , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:visited , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:active { border:0!important; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:active , .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6 .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8b4372e07c3114e73862c33d3bc17b6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Hotel Dreamland Business Proposal Essay We will write a custom essay on Tess Fatalism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
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